The three of us were long overdue for this adventure.
Myself and my two soul sisters since tenth grade, Laura and Amber, had talked of a trip for YEARS. University, full time jobs, life, puppies, and med school meant that it was always a “someday” conversation. But now was finally the time to lock it in and make plans. I had a shoot booked in Barcelona, Laura had just a week of from Dal Med and Amber could finally take time off work.
We followed through this time. Twelve days of fitting a “too large for European roads” car through villages in the south of Spain. Twelve days of tile and texture. Of sangria and tapas till we dropped. Of flamenco dancing in caves and getting stuck in religious parades (don’t even ask). Twelve days of stone tossing, spelunking, soaking up each ray of sun, and getting questionably close to monkeys.
The list could go on forever, so all I will say is this: life was good.
I can’t wait to share the rest of this wild adventure with you. In the meantime, here’s how we spent our first days hitting the ground running in Seville and Gibraltar. You can also view more personal images from this trip over here. – C
All images are photographed using 120mm Fuji Pro 400h and Portra 800 film on my Contax 645.
Dev + scan by Photovision Prints.
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